Sunday 3 January 2016

Why Earthquake Happens?

It’s because of plate tectonics.
Now what is plate tectonics?

Our Earth is not only a solid, round sphere but it’s also divided into different parts. I am not talking about the inner mantle and the core, but the upper crust itself is divide into part like the patches (sieving of threads on the football) because of this only we have 'mid ocean ridges' and the 'Pacific ring of fire'. These divided parts of crust are called the Earths plates. And these plates are moving (I shocked when I came to know for the first time that the crust is moving). This is called ‘Plate Tectonics’ (Tectonic means motion}.
Mid Ocean Ridge - the zigzag line in the middle

And why the crust is divided into several parts and why those parts are moving?
As you know the Earth is very hot inside and it gets hotter as you travel towards the center. This trapped heat wants to go outside (don’t ask me why- because it’s the nature of the energy, heat travels toward cold and cold towards heat, till it becomes same. That’s why your Tea gets cool). Inside the Earth’s core, the molten metal conducts the heat, in mantle also the molten magma also conducts the heat through convection current (convection current in liquid is like tornado in air). But the solid crust almost blocks this because of which a very high pressure gets generated in mantle pushing the crust. That’s why the crust is divided into moving plates. The crust is cooler and denser and it tends to go down. This temperature and pressure difference keeps pushing the crust. Eventually enormously high pressure and hot magma breaks the crust and explodes in the form of Lava. This is the reason behind the Volcanism. These Volcanoes push the crust plates and when the lava cools down, it forms the rocks adds to the crust. In this way a new part of the crust is formed.

But the movement of crustal plates itself is not the Earthquake. These plates are always in slow continuous collision with each other, which generates high pressure on the rocks (rocks bigger than a city). This pressure keeps increasing on the rocks throughout centuries, till it finally breaks creating very strong shock waves. This is the moment of ‘Earthquake’. All the potential energy of that pressure gets released at that moment and we feel the Earth below our feet is moving!

Monday 23 November 2015

Does god really exist?

         Imagine a video game character has enough intelligence to think about his origin and it doubts- does player of that game really exist? We also doubt about the god the same way. But it’s the simple rule in nature that for everything to exist, a reason should be there, for every structure a builder should be there. Everything in the world we know either tv or our cloth or food its created by somebody. Even for tiniest thing is having a creator. Then how this amazing universe can be created without any creator? Doubting god is an indicator of our logical thinking as well as less developed thinking.

But if god really exists, why we can’t directly experience him?
          There are so many reasons not to experience the god. First is our own lack of capability. Forget about god we can’t see anything clear if it’s too close (a few millimeters) to the eyes or bacteria walking on the eyes. If you think bacteria are too small then what about stars in the sky? They are enormous in size but still we are unable to see them. Even interior of earth like the Core and the Mantle is not visible. But we still believe on the existence of bacteria, stars and the Core. You will say ‘we can’t see but we have indirect evidence’. This is true for god also only the difference is that we don’t understand those evidence and if understand we don’t believe. For example- the discovery of mid ocean ridges and plate tectonics was first highly criticized by scientists. Because it was not easy to believe that entire continent is moving and a global mountain chain can exist. Even Einstein discarded his own finding of black holes. He thought such a powerful thing can’t exist in nature.

          Everything is vibration
          Let us see the bigger picture. We all know we are made up of elements which are made up of molecules which are made of atoms. The atoms are made up of electron proton and neutrons mostly and so many other particles are also present. But when we observe an atom, 99.9 % is empty space. The electrons in that space are just a vibration of energy. The proton neutron and all other particles are also just vibration of energy. It means whatever we see as solid is just an illusion and it’s actually a field of energy. But who is guiding that field to act like solid and give us chance to live?

          Compared to the world of mosquitoes we are huge but earth is enormously big. This earth revolves around sun in an incredibly big solar system. But our solar system is nothing compared to the Milky Way. Our Galaxy is only a part of the cluster of the Galaxies and that cluster is only one of thousands of the clusters in the universe. If you see it with a different angle you will see a giant brain and the structure of clusters of galaxies is matching with the neurons. On more interesting thing is universe is expanding and continuously evolving and a brain also expands and continuously evolves! But whose brain is this?
The Clusters of Galaxies
Web of Neurons

          While we dream we create a world which is as big as real world. Our feelings, experiences are also real in the dream. Sometimes dream experiences are so strong that we are affected by them in waking state. So many inventions are caused by strange dreams like the structure of benzene was seen in a dream as six snakes have tails of each other’s in their mouth in a hexagonal structure. But do we create our dream? No we don’t consciously create our dream. But still the existence of our dreams is because of our own existence. Same way we are the dream of God and we can’t exist without God’s existence.
          The biggest reason for the dreams to be amazing is our logic system in the brain is off at that time and we totally believe what we experience in dream. Our real life also can be amazing if we think beyond our own limited vision.

The Dark Matter
While studying the Galaxy scientists got a mysterious problem. They found that the total mass of entire galaxy was not enough to hold it together. It should not have enough gravity and the stars in the galaxy should be gone away in the space. But it was not the case. They observed the presence of some invisible matter having enough mass to produce strong gravity. But they don’t have any direct proof or scientific equipment was not capable to analyze it. They just know its presence. All scientific advancement was failed against this matter. They are in ‘darkness’ regarding this matter and also they can’t see it. That’s why Scientists named it ‘The Dark Matter’. They say that- ‘they don’t believe in God because they can’t see him or can’t directly observe him’. Is it not the same with Dark Matter? then why they believe in the Dark Matter.

The Dark Energy
There is one more great mystery in the space. As I previously discussed that the universe is expanding. The galaxies are moving away from each other. But the problem is their speed is accelerating which is not supposed to be happen without any extra energy. The galaxies should move in the same speed or should be slow down. But the scientist did not find out any clue in search of the answer to the increasing speed of the galaxies. There is an invisible energy which is responsible for the acceleration. But scientists don’t know much about it they are in ‘darkness’ regarding this energy. So that they just named it ‘Dark energy’. Now why they believe in it if it is as much mysterious as God?

          Our ego is also a reason which blocks us from seeing the God. But why when we are very humble at very dangerous situation the non believers are also observed praying the God?

Sunday 22 November 2015

Is the Resurrection True?

The rebirth is true or not. In this age of science we do not believe some sort of magical things but the truth is “Science” itself is modern form of magic. Scientist doesn’t believe in magical phenomenon like telepathy, disappearance or affecting others without touch. But in quantum physics most of the theories and laws are based on those “magical” terms only, for instance a single particle can exist on two places at the same time. And one particle can be affected by affecting its associate particle from any distance.

          Some children in some rare cases can tell about their past life and mother place very accurately without any contact that place in this life.
          We all have soul that gives consciousness to the body. Same as a man drives a car. The movement of the car is because of the power of engine only but still we know that without driver it will be only a box of iron only. After the driver left out of the car, the machines are still functional but it can’t do anything. Same way when soul leaves the body, the organs stays alive for long time but they can’t do anything without the consciousness of soul.
          Soul is the energy to the body like electricity to a machine. And Science itself tells us – Energy can’t be created neither can be destroyed, only can be transformed from one form to another.

And soul is the highest level of energy.

Sunday 18 October 2015

'Happiness' The biggest paradox

'Happiness' The biggest paradox

“It is always the false that makes you suffer, the false desires and fears, the false values and ideas, the false relationships between people. Abandon the false and you are free of pain; truth makes happy, truth liberates.” ― Nisargadatta Maharaj

We are controlled by our thoughts. Those thoughts are created by our surroundings. We don’t know why we want the material things very badly. But we believe if we got more of the stuff we will get happy. But if its true the why rich people are very unhappy. The unmarried thinks if he have wife he will be happy. When he is married he feels like his freedom is lost and now he is having the responsibility of the family. To fulfill that he, has to work like a slave. He wants to have children. But he also needs to pay for their school, and daily needs. Now he is more bounded like a spider in his own web. Now he don’t have his own life and he worries 24 hours about food and security for the family.

          Both married and unmarried are unhappy, they block their own happiness and power. Because they project their happiness in pleasant circumstances.
This is the problem with us. We always desire so many things. We have unlimited expectations. And its impossible to fulfill all desires and expectations of mind and we are always unhappy.

This is the trap of mind, we don’t know that but we are controlled by mind. Mind is not the real self but it has the power to affect the real self. Did you ever thought some people doing most difficult tasks are happy, you may have listen about the soldiers who were deadly wounded but still laughing. Some freedom fighters were smiling while getting hang to death. They were happy in extreme conditions because they dedicated there ‘mind’ to the mission. Understand one thing- you don’t need any external condition to be happy. The material things are always decaying. Nothing is permanent other than your deeds. This is the key to the power, don’t believe your mind, decide some big goal in life and dedicate yourself to that goal and you will become great. 

“You will receive everything you need when you stop asking for what you do not need” ― Nisargadatta Maharaj

Pleasure puts you to sleep and pain wakes you up. If you don'twant to suffer, don't go to sleep. 

Tuesday 8 September 2015



  1.      Don’t  just read the important points-
This is one of the biggest reason of less understanding and forgetting of the topics. For example you see thousands of faces but u remember only those, who you recognize and everybody else just pass through the way. You recognize them because you know and understand them.
Same way if you understand the concepts you will remember them.

  2.      How to understand concepts in your books-
To understand the concepts in the book, don’t go serial wise without involving in the matter. Choose A topic for study and read everything about that in the book in all the pages, while doing this interest will automatically get created and you will start understanding. Do this for all the topics in your book.
The best way to start is- start with most important topic or most interested topic.

  3.      The most important thing for exam-
Don’t study on exam day at all. This is necessary to make the mind as much energetic as possible before exam.
Many students complain that they were unable to recall the topics and matters in exam which they prepared very well. They remember the data other days but forget on examination time. This is because of doing too much study and giving huge stress to the brain. And the stress hormone blocks the capability to remember. Its same as an engine fails on high speed by overheating. And if you are already tired you can’t win a battle. Even walking is difficult when you are too tired and not slept. Same happens with brain in exam.
The solution is very easy but highly useful. Complete all the preparation and study one day before examination. For last day preparation revising is important but don’t stress on new topics, and then sleep well. On examination day be relaxed don’t  worry about anything and believe on your study throughout the year, you will feel confident and you will remember everything.

                                                                         Best of Luck!

Thursday 13 November 2014


   What is the future and fate of the unique planet on which we live? This is a question which the scientists are trying to answer in the modern days of advanced technologies. Well in fact, with any amount of advanced science, it is not possible to give a correct precise answer to this question. What actually will be the end of our earth is the question which time alone will tell. Man, however, due to his inherent curiosity cannot wait and see, and is, therefore trying to speculate or theorize on this issue, just as he did on the issue of the Earth’s origin.
Many astronomers had tried to find out the suitable answer to this riddle. Most of them try to connect the life of the earth with the availability of heat and light from the sun. Indeed if we were not so much dependent upon the sun, perhaps, in most probability, the earth might have lost forever. But since earth’s life is very much dependent upon the sun, it will possibly end, as and when the nuclear fuel get exhausted and it stops radiating energy.
On the basis of the studies of the older stars that resemble our sun, it has been seen that when the aging stars begin to run out of their nuclear fuel, they start burning and ultimately become dark. On the same analogy, our sun will also one day behave in the same fashion, and thus in most probability, the end of our earth will come in the following manner:
When once the original hydrogen of the gets converted into helium, its core will begin to contract. And as the core shrinks, it will generate sufficient heat to start thermonuclear reactions capable of producing incredible high temperatures. The nuclear furnaces may cause the body of the sun to expand, and thus gradually increasing the amount of heat and light radiation. This accelerated radiation should cause the sun to become hotter and hotter, and redder and redder, till it become a red giant (a mass of red hot, rarefied gas). During this stage of expansion of the sun and its great heat realizing powers, the two nearby planets i.e. Mercury and Mars may completely get vaporized and lost. As regard the 3rd and 4th planets i.e. Earth and Mars is concerned, it is possible that may also get vaporized, or may avoid that fate due to their greater distance from the sun. In any case, the earth will not escape the deadly high solar temperatures, the oceans will boil, the rocks will melt, and life destroyed.

    The future of our sun and earth upto this stage is quite certain although scientists cannot precisely define the events that would follow this. In all probability, after reaching the climax of hot red giant, the sun will steadily diminish in brightness and energy, and end itself into a white dwarf. This is possible because we have seen stars that have completely exhausted their supply of hydrogen and other nuclear fuel, and shine only because of their internal heat. As a white dwarf, the sun will continue to radiate its energy, and will gradually get cooled and contracted. In due time, it will probably shrink to the size of a planet, and become cold and dark.
With its fires gone out, the sun and the planets of the solar system will become the mercy of the icy temperatures of interstellar space. At these temperatures of hundreds degree below the freezing, gases will be converted into liquids, and liquids will become solids and thus the earth will eventually become a dark frozen mass.
 It however, very much possible that even in death, the sun will continue keeping hold on the remaining planets (i.e. those which won’t get vaporized), which will continue to revolve around this cold inert sun. this is because the sun’s mass and gravitational force will remain strong enough to keep the remaining planets locked in internal orbits around it.

   After predicting on as to how the earth’s end will come, we are now left with possible timing of this occurrence. When will these predicted solar changes occur?  Well the present and nearby population of the world has no cause to worry, because it seems possible that the life on earth will further continue to flourish for at least five billion years, perhaps even longer. This time period has been based on the assumption that medium sized stars, like the sun radiates at least ten billion years. After this time the hydrogen fuel of their core get exhausted. Thus, the sun, which, at present, is about five billion years old, is in its ‘middle age’ and will continue for a further period of about five billion years.        

Monday 6 October 2014

The Matrix and The Mind

The Matrix and The Mind

You're a dream. Like everything else. 

 - Kelly CreaghNevermore

We think this world is real. We believe it, because we observe things and feel it. And we are trained from childhood to do so. But do you observe the way 'actually' as it is or is there any other side to the coin of reality. 

Lets take a look to our capability of observation. We see through eyes but we cant see below infrared or beyond ultraviolet light (which can be seen by snake and bat), even we cant see too nearer or  objects at large distance neither very small things microorganisms. Then how to trust on the eyes. Similarly our other senses also has limitations like ears cant listen too high or too low frequency sound. Then how you think you observe it correctly.

The tiniest particles of matter are not fixed to a place or time as Quantum Physics states. A particle cane be anywhere at any time or can be at several places at the same time. 


 How to succeed, what is the source of all might in human? Its desire. Yes it is the strongest force. And its creator the mind (‘mana’ in Sanskrit) is the controller of human life. All humans in the world are nearly same physically but what makes one successful and another unsuccessful. What is the major key difference between the winner and loser- is there different desire. Yes both want success but deep inside winner desire only success at any cost and looser desire success also comfort also enjoyment, and his mind is diverted to so many other desires. Whereas working hard for success itself is the enjoyment for winner.

Many animals have better capabilities than humans. Apes are stronger and skilled. Dolphins are smarter. But what makes human better is that they can consciously choose their goal and define the destiny only humans has the power to manipulate there mental operating system. If you understand this you will definitely be successful and achieve anything. This is what makes the difference between a leader and a follower. One more important thing is struggle and pains are just feelings and can be replaced if we are in pursuit of our goal.

When we are child we have very small desires and we are happy. As we grow our desires also grow and we become more and more unhappy and unsatisfied. The world is not what you think. When you know it you will get your natural happiness!

Human body is most powerful in the world it can fail animals and machines. Every human has incredible capabilities. But it’s locked in the levels of consciousness. This thing ‘consciousness’ science still does not understand. But consciousness always plays vital role in the advancement of science.
                Our body is like a super machine having lots of sensors, tools and hardware and heavy electricity supply available. But the Operating system of the body is out dated and without any driver for the hardware.